The Nacho Sessions – TKC Music Program (Spring 2018)

Hello all,

We had a very busy Spring with the primary school aged children a the Tuesday Kids Club.  We ran a music program that involved the children in the process of writing their own worship songs.  They were taught the meaning of worship and explored themes in worship.  Three groups at three different ages levels chose their own theme and wrote their own lyrics about the chosen theme.  They then wrote simple melodic motifs which where harmonized and arranged by Scott, who in turn produced a backing track for each song.  Each group only had one week to learn and practice the arrangement.  Then they performed their songs at our last TKC meeting/party, where their parents where invited to join and celebrate.  This program had been deemed a success.  Well done Kiddos!

Thank you to everyone who supported this event – especially the parents who came along and the Cornerstone family who worked very hard to put this together.